Craft, Indoor, Living Soil-grown

Truly Living Soil

Smokey's cultivation methods offer a completely unique flower quality to the Colorado market.  We exemplify a quality and consistency that can only be achieved via indoor (i.e. climate-controlled) horticultural practices.  And at the same time, we use plant wastes, composts, worm castings, probiotics, and countless other organic amendments to create a truly regenerative soil system - one that fosters an abundance and diversity of microbes, worms, and arthropods.

Experience True Quality 

Our soil is brimming with life, and it makes all the difference.  Complexity in soil life creates complexity in plant metabolites.  That means connoisseur & medicinal quality.

A healthy soil microbiome represents a healthy immune system for plants, meaning we have no need to rely on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Our fan leaves, stems, and stalks are composted and brought back into the closed-loop system, and roots are left in place to break down naturally as part of the soil ecology.

Life is in abundance.  Inputs are minimized, and sustainability ensues.

Sustainable & Regenerative

At our in-house cultivation, we have been caring for and growing plants in the same soil since 2016.  Our cultivation keeps it thriving cycle after cycle, adding back a diversity of organic amendments and plant residues, all of which help to build the soil ecosystem.

We don't throw away growing media or plant wastes like most facilities do, and the use of living soil has decreased our water use by 65,000 gallons per year when compared to previous hydro/synthetic growing practices.

One teaspoon of soil can contain over a billion living organisms, all of which are intertwined in complex relationships with one another and with the cannabis growing within.

A community of thriving soil organisms knows how to grow healthy plants better than humans ever will! At Smokey's, we embrace responsible stewardship of our environment and of the plants we grow here every day.

Healthy people on a healthy planet simply cannot exist without healthy soil. Try some of our in-house flower and feel the difference!

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