Terpene Profile

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If you’re tuned into any cannabis industry dialogue, you may have heard of terpenes before. If not, the simple explanation is that terpenes are organic compounds found in the essential oils of plants.

Specifically relating to cannabis, terpenes are responsible for giving cannabis its distinctive flavors and aromatic scents. There have been over
100 different types of terpenes found in cannabis plants, and each strain, specifically each harvest, comes with completely unique concentrations of them. This explains the light, citrusy notes of Lemon Haze and the robust, earthy flavor of Afghan Kush.

That being said, terpenes aren’t just about aromas and flavors.
Research has shown that terpenes also affect the type of experience a specific strain offers. ​

How Do Terpenes Affect the Cannabis Experience?

While THC is responsible for the psychoactive nature of cannabis, industry leaders are concluding that terpenes help to direct, define, and in some cases, enhance the whole experience. The distinctive types of terpenes and cannabinoids (e.g., THC or CBD) present in a particular strain, along with the concentration levels of each, work together to produce what is commonly referred to in the industry as the “entourage effect.”

In other words, the different compounds work in a synergistic manner to create an experience that’s unique to that strain. The whole is much greater than the sum of its parts.

Different types of terpenes have various therapeutic properties and will also affect a high in various ways. Some terpenes produce effects that help enhance mood and energy, while others, such as myrcene, create a sedative calm. Likewise, some enhance the feeling of THC, and others can mellow it out.

This is why you may fall in love with a strain with a lower THC content and favor it over one that has a high concentration. It all depends on what you personally consider a good experience. If you’re looking for a strain that will give you a quick energy boost and appease your anxiety, research suggests that those effects will be determined by the terpene composition, not the amount of THC.

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